Friday, February 10, 2006

Everytime we lie awake

Dr. Corduan offered our Contemp class world-wide internet fame yesterday, and, although he did mention us, I felt a tad slighted by his coverage. I wasn't devastated tho, considering I didn't exactly participate in the discussion. Hey, I have an excuse: I sit in the back of the classroom, it's early in the morning, and I'd already drank three cups of coffee so I had to pee. All I could think about was bladder control. Anyway, I like Dr. Corduan's blog. It makes me smile.

Rebekah gave me some amazing chocolate today. I don't remember what it's called, but it's a new brand and it had chili peppers and cinnamon in it. Orgasmic.

Last night I went to Muncie and had coffee with a wonderful friend. We blew off Cru and just talked about life for a couple of hours. It was glorious. I'd been feeling very disconnected from everyone in the entire world lately, but it's starting to wear off. Plus today I wore my Alf shirt and Heather's sexy boots and that puts me in a good mood.


Anonymous said...


sexy boots 'ill do it to ya :)

Megan said...

Hey, don't downplay the power of the Alf shirt. It's frickin' sweet.