Friday, April 07, 2006

Under the sun

Laci says there's a time for everything, so right now it's PENNSYLVANIA ISP WEDDING ROADTRIP TIME!!! :)

1 comment:

Jody said...

Megan...thanks sooo much for hooking me up with Prof. Bruner's email. I love the internet! Anyway, best of luck in these last few weeks of college. I remember mine well- but didn't realize at the time that they were some of the best days of my life. I never realized how tough life could get beyond has. Even though I've had a wild ride(and somehow I suspect that I'm still in for a bit more in this life) I've found God to be faithful to His words and I've grown and learned more than I ever imagined I could be. Enjoy the adventure of your life. And keep reading my Nitty.Gritty. blog if you want to see the twists and turns of mine. Enjoy Kathy & John at Taylor. They are knowledgable, passionate, determined, and a wealth of other qualities we would all love to have in life. Sweetly~