Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Mistaken identity

Shock and grief all over again. I rejoice for the Ceraks but WEEP for the VanRyns. Please follow this Taylor Web site link because I can't process this fast enough to expound.



Anonymous said...

i desire a follw-up on you too, my dear sister and warrior friend.

love and miss you :( did you get my letter from "years" ago?

how is your fellow friend?

Megan said...

I did get your letter and I've been intending to respond. I actually wrote you a letter last week but promptly lost it :(. I'll send you something soon. It's been crazy, but now I have a job, so hopefully in a week or so I'll settle into a pattern. Sorry for my lack of communication, but please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers often.

He's lovely. :) We're going to a wedding together tonight and I have a sexy new dress and we will dance! Hopefully I'll take pix!

Anonymous said...

oooo :0 :)

please do! :)

respond when you have the time and when you feel led...

honestly, i know exactly what you mean, i apologize as well. :(

i love you.