Sunday, January 16, 2005

Generation Ex

Ok, so it's been about two weeks since I finished this book and I'm just now getting around to reviewing it as I promised.

Generation Ex by Jen Abbas is incredible. If you are an adult child of divorce (an adult who's parents divorced at any point in his/her lifespan) or know someone who is, do yourself a favor and read it. It names the wounds children of divorce suffer with stunning accuracy and describes the unique handicaps we face later in life because of them. I would warn adult children of divorce reading this book to make sure a full Kleenex box is handy. If you're anything like me, you'll use every last one.

When I first heard about the book, I wasn't sure what to expect. In fact, I wouldn't have read it had it not been perscribed to me. I didn't know if I'd be able to relate to Abbas' story or if it would even name the struggles I'd faced since my parents' initial separation in 1996. Everything was in there, though, and so much more.

Ever since Cliff introduced me to John Eldredge, I've been learning about the importance of heart-wound healing. In Generation Ex, Abbas provides specific information for me and other adult children of divorce. She gives us hope for the future in that we are NOT doomed to repeat our parents' marital failure. We can break the cycle, if we rely on God to heal our particular wounds and choose to love others as God loves us.

I love how Abbas weaves her own story and the stories of others into her book. Many, many times, I could point and say, "oh my gosh, that's me!" I'm sure countless others have experienced and will experience the same thing.

I highly recommend this book. While not everything I read is immediately applicable, I'm sure I'll treasure this book and its wisdom for years to come.

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