Saturday, September 03, 2005

"You're fit but, my gosh, don't you know it."

I've been in Upland for the past three Labor Day weekends but only this morning did I venture out at 6:30 a.m. to the annual all-Upland garage sale. Basically, the entire town has yard/garage sales on the same day. How did I miss out on this these past few years? Well, it probably had to do with valuing sleep. Anyway, it was quite a good time. UCC was giving out free popcorn and ice water. Upland Friends Church also had free sodas and cookies. While my friends stocked up on furniture and appliances, I spent 55 cents and aquired two new books, both in great condition and both of which I'd been planning to buy. The first was Love Must Be Tough by Dr. Dobson. The second was The Sacred Romance by Brent Curtis and John Eldredge. I'll look forward to blowing off scholastic reading this semester to indulge in these treasures.

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