Monday, November 28, 2005

Forget regret or life is yours to miss

Thanksgiving Break has come and gone. Bring on the academic barrage of papers, projects and presentations. Not to mention final exams. Graduation seems lightyears away. It’s really about six months. Scared yet?

In reality, I’m not too worried about the upcoming weeks. I have three classes MWF. Two have been cancelled for the entire week, meaning I only have one class every day this week. What will I do with all my free time? Work on projects, of course. But, hey, at least that means they won’t cut into my real free time so much.

I need to stop by campus safety and get a temporary parking permit for my mom’s car which I had to bring to school in the place of my beloved ’91 Ford Taurus. Something is broken on the Taurus and my grandpa didn’t trust it to bring me all the way back to school. I hate car trouble. Give me a train pass and some walking shoes any day.

Over break I bought about 600 diapers to donate to Crisis Pregnancy Center as part of our senior project (the Penny War). I only had half the money, too, so for Christmas, CPC is getting well over 1,000 diapers from TU. I’m so excited!!! I’m actually really thankful that we had to do this service project for senior sem. At first I thought it was ridiculous and a waste of time, but we were really able to make a difference. Serving like this is really helping me see my heart for changing the world, even if it’s just one woman’s world.

I have Rent songs stuck in my head, which is not at all an unpleasant experience. I tried to find my complete soundtrack while I was at home, but amid the avalanche that was once my room, all I found were some ancient t-shirts that surprisingly still fit me. Right now, I’m wearing one from zoo camp in 1992. It’s black with white writing and says, “I did the Wild Thing at Mesker Park Zoo.” It makes me smile.

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