Monday, December 19, 2005

"Leave the world behind me..."

“Free, I don't wanna be stuck in the city
With the cars and people downtown,
Waiting in a line,
Wishing I was far away
Where no one knows my name or my address,
It's a place I've never been
When it gets too familiar I'll be gone.

--“Airstream” by Fastball

What is it about Eville that repels me? Sometimes I enjoy the familiarity of it all, but after a few hours I’m ready to get back on the road. Perhaps it’s because my heart isn’t here. Who knows?

Right now, I’m ready to move out. Granted, I don’t live here in the first place, but I guess all I’m saying is I’m ready to officially start my life elsewhere. I’m standing on the edge, I’m ready to take the plunge, but time hasn’t caught up with me yet. I feel like it should be Dec. 25, or better yet, Jan. 14. It’s not, though. I must be patient and stop living in the future.

Those days will come and go eventually. Am I squandering my time in the present? Even if I am not entirely content with where I am, I should heed Incubus’ Warning to not “ever let life pass [me] by.” This may be the last time I’m in Evansville for more than a weekend. What shall I do with this time?


Maria said...

You should definitely come live in Wheaton.

Nate Harold said...

or maybe, possibly, Dubuque...just a thought

Megan said...

What would I do in Wheaton besides mooch off of my married friends? Ahaha... but I would love to be near you again, Maria. It's been ages. Now Dubuque on the other hand... that's a possibility. We'll see where our journey leads. ;)