Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Adventures in lawncare

There is a reason I will not be starting a landscaping business anytime in the near future.

With Nate back at the 'Due, the task of grass mowing falls to me. After much procrastination, I finally admitted that the forest that had been sprouting in our yard for the past two weeks needed a serious trim.

I rose early this morning to knock the chore out of the way as soon as possible, but the dew left by last night's cold spell didn't bother lifting until well after 10 a.m. By the time the grass dried out and I oiled and gassed up the mower, it was almost noon.

Of course every time, and I do mean every time, I mount the mower I forget how to turn it on. I try following the instructions inscribed below the steering wheel (which usually results in something sputtering and smoking) until I eventually give up, storm inside and call my grandpa. But today, not even the Lawn Lord himself could get that little red Snapper going. While Grandpa took our mower back to his place for further inspection, he left his faster, zippier mower with me. The grass would get mowed today one way or another. After all, today was my only day off.

After a few laps around the yard, I felt like I was getting the hang of mowing again. Sure, I got slapped in the face by numerous tree limbs and almost tipped over on one hill, but the fresh air felt great and it wasn't too hot out today. Regardless, I don't believe a bright future in professional lawncare is on my horizon.

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