Sunday, June 27, 2004

The Joy of Chick-fil-A


I saw it today, right off the Lloyd on the Eastside by Garfields. I'm beyond excited! This isn't just one of those mall food court Chick-Fil-As (we have one of those), this is a free-standing restaurant experience. Hooray for chicken!

In other news, I was reunited with my long lost buddy Ross today. I got up early and decided to go to big church with my mom, so we get to the 9 a.m. service and there's Ross, sitting in the balcony! I plopped down on the seat next to him and he looked at me like he was gonna poop his pants. He looks a little different than the last time I saw him (a year or so ago) because now he has a lip ring and he died his hair black, but he's the same old Ross. I was very excited to be in church this morning.

My dad was here today, so we went to see how my Aunt Lana is doing. She, Lisa, T and Michael are moving to Florida in a month, so they were all pretty busy. It was good to see all of them, but being in that house makes me miss Uncle Curt.

Tonight everyone's going out to Wesselman's to play volleyball. I'm SO EXCITED! I just love that sport. It feels like summer.

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