Sunday, November 07, 2004

Conferenced out

Got back from Nashville last night. Quite an experience; very different from last year in that I was the only person from last year's group, we weren't staying in the same hotel as the conference (we had to drive 15 minutes to get there) and we didn't fly, we drove.

None of those are necessarily bad things. In fact, everything worked out rather nicely. Instead of staying up until the wee hours throwing things from the 20th floor with Wes, Joe and Jim, this year's group went to bed before 11 p.m. and watched about 5 episodes of Law & Order. Everything was quieter, more laid back and less stressful in general.

Also, I got to see Erin and Simone. Things have sure changed since June! Mike Longinow (one of our Journalists in Residence from SIJ) spoke at a few sessions that I went to, so it was great catching up with him. Rumor has it TMatt did some sessions, too, but I managed to avoid those.

Conferences are exhausting! I was ready to come back and get done with things. We only have four more weeks of actual classes (not counting the week of Thanksgiving and finals). I'm so ready to be done with this semester! It looks like I missed a Cosgrove sex talk while I was gone, but nothing happened in any of my other classes. Ok... let's get these four weeks out of the way.

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