Saturday, September 18, 2004

The demise of Handy Andy

Handy Andy is gone. In it's place we find a red-roofed imitation called Circle K. Let the tears stream down. Don't be ashamed.

While the only things that really changed were the roof (which used to be blue) and the name, it feels like a void exists where there once was none. Sure, the Circle K will operate in much the same way as Handy Andy, offering breadsticks, soda, coffee and donuts at all hours of the day and night, but that's not the point. We won't be able to go on "Handy Andy runs" anymore. We'll have to go on "Circle K runs." That's not right.

Of course we'll still call it Handy Andy. No amount of red paint can change that fact. Like a triumphant warrior rising from the fall, Handy Andy will survive, if only in the hearts and minds of TU students.


Cliff said...

There's just no justice anymore.

Maria said...

Man, you leave the country for a few days and Upland falls apart. What is this world coming to?

Megan said...

In chapel this morning, Randy caused quite an uproar when he mentioned the change. He actually preached on Handy Andy, but it had more to do with reaching out to the surrounding community than the gas station's identity.

Oh Maria... we just can't handle life without you! I hope you're having fun speaking Spanish and whatever else you do at Universidad de Sevilla. May all your local gas stations never change their names.

Megan said...
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