Friday, September 03, 2004

Who needs sleep?

I am so awake right now. I had only two hours of sleep last night, but it hasn't phased me. I stayed awake in BOTH of my classes this morning! I even participated. Also, I had no coffee until lunch because Vecino's wasn't open (the fascists), but I guess I did have a cherry Pepsi in Physiological, so I wasn't caffeine-less. Still, two hours!

The incredible thing is I usually don't function without at least five solid hours of sleep, yet these last two weeks I've been perfectly fine on two. I honestly believe it's God sustaining me and I'm beyond floored at his providence.

In Matthew 11, Jesus says, "Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." I claim this promise. I'm beginning to see just how strong God is in my weakness. Even though I toil away toward some abstract goal, I will only reach my true potential if I trust him to support me.

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