Tuesday, September 07, 2004


I'm psyching myself up right now to stroll over to the registrar's office and drop a class for the first time in my academic career. I'm feeling slightly defeated that I couldn't hack it, but early this morning, as I waited for the enlarger in the typography room, I had a revelation. I was taking 4 upper-division psych classes with one of the most demanding art classes offered at TU in addition to working 13 hours a week and editing the campus newspaper. What was I doing to myself?

I like to do my very best in my all classes and in my work, but how can give my best if I'm spread too thin? Yesterday, I spent about three hours on this honkin' paper for Ethics in Psychology. Those hours will forever be lost, but maybe I can save future hours with a simple drop/add form. Yes, I'm dropping Ethics and taking on Digital Tools. I'll still have a 17 hour course load, but the work I'll be doing in Digital Tools will be useful to me immediately with The Echo, whereas I'll probably never use the APA Code of Conduct. Ethics could have been interesting, but compared to my other classes, it held the least value to me (especially since I've already taken ethics courses at Taylor).

So here goes.

1 comment:

Mollie said...

::Megan::I enjoy dropping by your blog from time to time, and all I have to say is, good for you! I've stressed myself out before, and it's not worth it. Enjoy your semester! God bless!::Mollie::
