Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Patience is a virtue.

I've been noticing lately how impatient I am. If a class goes one minute over, I freak out. Ok, so class isn't so bad. Time is money, yeah? But it gets worse.

Last night, I went to the Union with the girls for a small group leaders' meeting. Of course, we HAD to stop by Vecinos for coffee and we HAD to talk to Steve for a half hour. By the time we sat down, we had 15 minutes before I'd wanted to be back in my room studying Abnormal Psychology. We started in with the prayer requests and as the post-11:00 minutes ticked by, I got progressively more impatient. Here my friends are baring their hearts and all I can do is watch the clock. That's so bad! I'm utterly ashamed of myself.

Now that I have 10 extra hours in my week (dropping Typography does that), I can stop being such a freak. It might take a bit to drop the habit, but I want to. So next time I start tapping my fingers and watching the clock, slap me in the face. I'll thank you later.

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