Monday, October 04, 2004


Withdrawn/Passing. My new best friend.

This semester has had a lot of registration firsts for me. I dropped/added for the first time in September. Now I'm dropping Typography (as I've already made perfectly clear on this blog. I just have to keep repeating it in my head to remind myself it is really happening).

In a few hours, my transcript will read WP. As scary as that sounds, I've decided it's not so bad. If I ever have to explain it, I'll be happy to. At least it's not a WF (withdrawn/failing).

I worry I won't have enough credits to get off campus housing next year, but if I don't, Margaret and I will move to Swallow (which could potentially rock). The off campus info meeting is tonight, so I'll find out how probable my plan is then.

Sorry this is another registration post. What can I say, it's the most bloggable event I've experienced today.

1 comment:

Cliff said...

I can assure you that unless you apply to graduate school at an Ivy League institution, you will never have to explain a WP on your transcript. The only way your transcript will even matter is if you apply to grad school. Employers don't have time for that nonsense.