Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Biting the hand that feeds me

There's just no way around it. The Grille is a terrible, horrible institution and it's going down!

For those of you unfamiliar with Taylor University's meal options, we have two major centers of food distribution on campus. The Dining Commons (more commonly known as the DC) is where everyone eats every meal of every day. We also have The Grille which provides sustenance to seniors and people who can't make it out to the DC during regular meal hours. It's considered a special treat to eat at The Grille, although I don't know why; their food is nasty and greasy and always makes me sick.

I have a Grille transfer for Tuesdays and Thursdays because I have class and work through my lunch hour. I usually get my food, wolf down the main course and stick the rest in my office for later. I hadn't bothered to order a sack lunch because each time I've been to the Grille so far this semester, I've gotten through fine with the regular meal. So today when Shaun let us out of Digital Tools 20 minutes early, I rejoiced at the prospect of enjoying my lunch before I went to work at 1 p.m. in the library (No food allowed. They're fascist). I was pretty hungry by 12:40, since I'd slept through breakfast while I was dying of nasal drainage.

I got to the Union, grabbed a pizza, yogurt and a caramel apple, and headed for check out. But NO... Martha stopped me right there. She said, "The line doesn't open until 12:50." It was 12:45! Nevermind that I'd been through this line every Tuesday/Thursday for the past three weeks without problem. Sometimes, I even went between my 11:00 and my 12:00 and got away with a meal. But five minutes??? Give me a break.

So I waited. I verbally railed against the system, but I waited. When I at last made off with my lunch, I stuffed the entire pizza in my mouth and stashed the rest of the food in the Echo office on my way to the library.

The whole point in having Grille transfers is to feed students who don't have time. Then they make us wait! I don't even like the Grille. I didn't want to miss lunch in the DC on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but there was nothing I could do with my schedule. Meal transfers are just not worth the trouble they cause.


Cliff said...

First the hostile Handy Andy takeover, and now this! It's time for a call to arms!

Megan said...

What can I say, my life is so rough! :)