Saturday, May 15, 2004

The Cell Block Tango

Well, kids, hell has officially frozen over. My best friend, who is probably the sweetest, most law-abiding guy I know, spent twelve hours in jail this week under charges of drug use.

Any of ya'll who know Ben are probably really confused right now. What went wrong? Ben tells me he didn't do anything and I believe him COMPLETELY. His tests even came back negative! These stupid police officers at Purdue just locked him up because they suspected drug abuse. What daf???

How is that even legal? How can officers just take a kid off the street and stick him in a jail cell? How could they humiliate him like that when the only thing he did was turn the wrong way onto a one-way street. He didn't even have an accident! UGH!

It's kind of a funny story looking back on it, but it kind of makes me wonder if this type of thing happens a lot. The Lafayette PD may have a lot of questions to answer.

Benny, you're the best man I know. Way to hold up in the face of pressure like that.

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