Sunday, May 16, 2004

MACin' it up no more

Today was my last Sunday at Muncie Alliance Church until next semester. It was kind of sad, considering it's been one of my main sources for spiritual wisdom this past semester.

I like my home church, Christian Fellowship Church, to some extent, but it's just not the same. MAC is like this little community where everyone relies on prayer and drinks lots of coffee. CFC is so... rich. I noticed it especially over Easter. The service is just so self-glorifying. All the songs are "Me me me" "I love Jesus" "I'm the greatest because I have Jesus" "Don't you wish you were me"... No wonder people hate Christians! Church is one big ego-trip.

I don't want to bash CFC, because they share a problem with a vast majority of the modern church. I also REALLY respect CFC for their emphasis on missions work. If the people who went to CFC were not so wealthy, we wouldn't have the same type of missions program that we do.

I'm still gonna miss MAC, but, luckily, I'll get to finish up Guy's teaching on Revelation through Web streaming. Check it out... it's really enlightening.

Anyway, I gotta go take a picture for yearbook and then I'm babysitting for my favorite family, THE CRAMERS! I'll miss them, too. Ugh. I still have to write my paper for Comm. Sem. III tomorrow, so I'll definitely be at the Union all night. Good times.

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