Friday, May 07, 2004

Homeward Bound

I'm leaving for home in less than two hours. It depends on how long the speeches take in Public Speaking. I hope they don't take the full hour. I need to get on the road.

I finished my pages SUPER early last night. I left the office at 2 a.m.! That's more than an hour earlier than my average! Too bad I only have one more issue left so I can improve my time even more. Yeah right. It'll be NICE to be finished with this year... Although I'll really miss the staff. Wes, Joe, Neville and Gloria are all graduating. So sad. I really will miss those guys!

This week has been an absolute BLUR. Monday was my birthday, which was fun. Pawl made me wear all this princess gear to all of my classes and Callie projected "Happy Birthday Megan Elder" on the power point in Chapel, so basically everyone knew it was my birthday. That was great. I spent most of the day in classes and in the Writing Center, but at 10:30, I went to Sammy to see Rice Pilaf. They were hilarious, as usual, and for the last skit, Shadow asked for a volunteer. When no one jumped out of their seat with eagerness, he was like, "maybe someone with a birthday... Is Megan Elder here?" What a homie. So, yeah, I got my life reinacted by Pilaf. Good times.

On Tuesday, I took theater pix for FOUR HOURS! I was so angry. I missed Gilmore Girls and my fingers ached from hitting the shutter. Anna and Leah got me flowers, tho, and I went to Handy Andy with my girls, so the day worked out. said it would thunderstorm today at 10 a.m. How do they do it? It's 10:03 and the sky is rumbling.

Yeah, I'm not in chapel. I'm not a huge fan of Farmer and I have packing to do anyway.

Well, that reminds me, I need to get on that. I also need to look nice when I get to E-ville because I have a meeting with my COURIER AND PRESS editor. YAY! Then I have dinner with my dad. He doesn't sound like he's doing very well with Uncle Curt's death. I can't blame him, but I want to be there for him... Even tho he's never been there for me. I don't know why... I just love him, I guess. He hasn't earned my love, so I guess it's unconditional. Hmm... maybe I'm growing up here.

The rain has hit. See you in E-ville... I'll be back to TU on Monday.

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