Wednesday, May 19, 2004

The end of the beginning... or something like that

Well, my finals are over and I'm about to head back to my room to pack. I have a missing library book that I left in the Echo office. It's not there anymore. Now I have a huge fine. Boo.

My mom and brother will be here in less than two hours. I can't believe I'm about to leave Taylor. As much as I've been looking forward to this year being over, I don't want it to be over. I love my friends and my situation the way it is right now. I've never been one to despise change, and I don't really despise it... I guess I'm just scared.

Tomorrow I'm taking the biggest risk in my life thus far. I'm getting on a plane and going to live in Washington DC for the next month. I'm going to be writing, doing something I'm passionate about, and I just might fail.

I'm scared I'm going to make a fool out of myself. I'm realizing just how unprepared I am for this. I don't want to leave my safe little bubble, as hectic and annoying as it is.

I didn't realize how frightened I was until I got the news yesterday that I would be taking a cab from the airport to the apartment BY MYSELF. The only time I've ever been in a cab was in China, and you can bet I wasn't alone! I don't even know the first thing about hailing a cab! I'm so clueless. To make matters worse, I'm the only one who has to do this because I have the latest flight. I don't know why I'm getting so worried, so bent out of shape. I'm an adult, I can handle this. No I can't! I still feel like a little girl inside, like I'm totally unprepared for the real world... or at least urban America.

Well, life's not all bad. I am finished with my finals and with the Echo and with yearbook (almost). Ben sent me a fun e-mail today reminiscing about the time he came to Taylor for my birthday. Here's a fun excerpt:

"You didn't have a clue. You wouldn't have been more surprised to wake up the next morning with your head sewn to the carpet. I mean, seriously. You were stunned."


Anyway, I need to go to my room and start packing. This time tomorrow I'll be in the Indy airport, possibly boarding the plane that will whisk me away to destiny. Thanks for your prayers.

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