Wednesday, May 12, 2004

The Java Jive... And other thoughts

I love the Jumping Bean.

I love World Alliance Coffees.

I'm really gonna miss it when I'm away this summer.

Tommy gave me a gift certificate for $10 in coffee at the Bean for taking another pic of the Executive Cabinet. That's GOLD where I come from! I should make a cardboard sign and stand out on The Loop, "Will Work for Coffee." Mmmmm...

I really need to be homeworking right now, but I'm starting to lose motivation. I have almost all of my in-depth story DONE... Yeah, the one I started YESTERDAY! I'm a machine, what can I say. It's about major prestige at Taylor. The girl I lift with on Tuesday and Thursday mornings did the study for a sociology class. It's interesting, but it kinda makes me sad. Communication Arts majors were ranked second to last, only to be undercut by Theater. It's the same stinkin' department! Mass Comm. wasn't even on the list. We ranked dead last for work load and second to last again for intelligence (?!).

The horrible thing is, I know it's true. Sometimes, I get out of my comm. classes and I just feel stupider. Comm. majors are complete slackers, too. No one ever wants to do any work and everyone complains all the time. It's actually really embarrassing.

Granted, not everyone in comm. is a slacker, but most people go for the major because it's easy and NOT because they LOVE communication. A lot of the people in the major aren't even effective communicators!

I think the faculty are on to us. This year was bad. With Ollie out, the other profs have had to work overtime and now that Sova's gone, it looks like we're taking a nose dive. Our faculty retention rate is almost comical. I've heard stories about all the profs that have been through this department in the past few years. It's the stuff of pure satire. I love our profs and our little corner of Rupp, but I wish our department were a little more successful.

Speaking of the java jive, I'm off to the Bean to burn a hole in this $10 gift certificate.

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