Friday, May 21, 2004

Newsroom Fever

I am getting absolutely no where. I have no idea what I'm doing. I can't get ahold of my editor. I'm going INSANE!

I feel like once I get some more specifics nailed down, I'll be able to cruise, but I don't know this city. In a city where it's all who you know, I don't know ANYONE. What have I gotten myself into?

The Echo is so predictable. I know my audience and my job. Evansville is my audience, but it's been nine months since I've lived there. To be perfectly honest, I don't know the climate there right now. How can I write to these people?

As much as I'm complaining, I've already learned a lot. I'm excited because I'm growing up so much here, but I"m definitely out of my comfort zone. Today I went grocery shopping and I felt like a fish out of water. I don't know why -- it was wierd.

Tonight we're going to Union Station for dinner and a movie. It'll be a nice break. I really want to see that Supersize Me documentary. I'm thinking I could make it into a story. We'll see.

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