Thursday, July 01, 2004

The Amazing Spider-Man

Polk and I saw Spider-Man 2 last night and it was pretty excellent. Definitely better than the first. Also, Andi and Tom were there and I got to catch up with them. They're SOOOOOO cute!

Joe Atkinson (The Courier and Press's film reviewer) gave Spider-Man 2 three stars, which was a total rip off. It was at least four stars. The special effects are AMAZING and the story line is fascinating. It dragged in a few areas, and, as Joe said, some of the dialogue was poorly written, but those parts were mostly Kirsten Dunst's scenes.

I can't help it... Kirsten Dunst drives me insane. I truly try to like her, but her lazy eye and braless-ness freak me out. Her voice also has this fake, condescending flavor to it that makes me want to smack her in the face.

Anyway, in spite of Kirsten, the cast is phenomenal, especially Doc Ock. I definitely recommend this show.


Neville said...

why do so many women seem to have something against kirsten dunst...honestly? is it more than what you've stated in your blog, or is there some deep, emotionally jealous issue or tiff that you two need to sit down, and work out? my three sisters who know her all hate her too...why is that? i think she's an okay actor, although, she's getting into a rut by playing the same character over and over again. you know?

Megan said...

I don't know... there's definitely a little jealousy there. I mean, I know lots of guys who just think she's so hot. My best friend's roommate and I were watching the movie my freshman year and he said the reason guys are attracted to her is that she looks weird. I guess it's just that we women don't ever know what to expect and that's frustrating. Her voice just really gets on my nerves. And her face. But I talked about that already, so I'll stop.