Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Greetings from Hong Kong!!!

HONG KONG -- I am currently in Hong Kong and ba da ba ba ba I'm lovin' it. It's amazing how people can remember me from the last time I was here, but I suppose they don't see many white people.

So much is happening. We've had some amazing assemblies. The children of Hong Kong are just so precious! I wish I had my USB cable with me so I could post some photos, but I guess they'll have to wait. I nabbed my mom's 256 MB card in addition to my own, so I should have plenty.

The food is not nearly as bad as last time. In fact, I LOVED my lunch yesterday. I went to a really nice restaurant with 5 HK students. What a trip! But they ordered me pretty good stuff. You never know. Some of those kids are evil. Katie Hesse had to eat intestines! Muahaha.

I really love my team. I had no reason to be apprehensive about this trip. They've really welcomed me in and I've had some fabulous conversations.

As God continues to opens doors, some situations with the team have turned a little messy, so I'd appreciate continued prayer on that front. Also pray for health, sleep and unity.

Personally, I've been having some mood swings. I suppose it's part of being a woman... and being Megan. Please pray that I will be able to control myself.

Thanks so much for all the prayers. God is really moving in Hong Kong! We leave for Zhongshan on the 9th. No internet access there. Or English alphabet. Boo. Oh well.

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