Thursday, July 22, 2004


I finally got to see it, the documentary event of the year. No, not Fahrenheit 9/11. I'm talking Super Size Me.

I've been wanting to see this movie since it came out in regular theaters. I tried to check it out while I was in D.C., but ended up putting human relationships before movies and never made it out.

The documentary lived up to my expectations, which were pretty high to begin with. I now feel further enlightened about the obesity epidemic plaguing our nation. Did you know more children recognize Ronald McDonald than Jesus Christ?

The whole American weight struggle makes me sick. I mean one group of people intentionally starves themselves while another group gorges themselves on high calorie foods. After traveling internationally, I just have to shake my head at this American crisis. In church on Sunday, Dave Jones cited the statistic that 4/5 of the world's population lives below what the USA and Europe consider the poverty line. I don't think we should feel guilty about having such abundance, but we should feel guilty about our blatant misuse of that abundance. We have been blessed! Are we being good stewards of this blessing?


Neville said...

I'm so jealous. I've been wanting to see this movie all summer. Now, does that mean recognize Ronald McDonald physically (as in a photo) compared to Jesus Christ or by name? If you meant physically, I would have a hard time believing that. Figure out why for yourself. :) UGH! I'm mad at you, but appreciated hearing your comments!! YAY DOCUMENTARY!!!! You need to get Nate Shorb to still do his documentary pick of the month next fall for the ECHO. So many people loved it and it was such good exposure for taylor to broaden its academic horizons and stepping toward a more "cultured" Christian higher education. you're gonna be a great editor-in-chief though...i'm so happy you got it!!!

Megan said...

I'm talking physically. He held up pictures to see how well these kids recognized the faces on them and they all got stumped with Jesus. One kid actually said George W. Bush!!! When he held up the Ronald picture, they all knew him. His point was how much exposure kids get to McD's because of the playground, commercials, birthday parties, and a TV show (I didn't know this was out there, but apparently it is). Good luck finding a place to see the movie. It's so worth it!

Thanks for the Echo encouragement, Nev. I'm gonna miss having you on staff, tho. You gotta help me get Nate back, cuz I don't really know him.