Saturday, July 17, 2004

As Christ loved the Church

Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word... (Ephesians 5:24-26)
I just heard that a prominent missionary and family friend left his family for another woman.  I want to scream, to throw things, to break glass jars.  I've already been crying for the last fifteen minutes.
It just makes me so angry to see "men of faith" like him treat their wives the way they do.  I was talking with Cliff about this the other day.  So many Christian guys I know are all about the verse in the Bible that commands wives to submit, but they ignore the second part of the passage which commands them to LOVE their wives as Christ loved the church.  Christ did NOT abandon his church in search of greener pastures.  He died for his church! 
When I hear news of another broken home, I lose sight of all hope in men.  It's probably not fair, because there are a few good ones out there (so I've heard), but I can never be sure.  This man, the missionary, seemed by all accounts a good husband.  And his wife is absolutely gorgeous and talented and kind... what more could he want?  If she could be cast aside so easily, what hope do I have? 
I want desperately to be loved in the way that God intended; however, I'm becoming more and more convinced that such love is quickly becoming extinct, if it isn't already.  Am I off base here?


Maria said...

Fortunately yes. I know it's hard to see, though. :-/ I share your frustration. Fortunately, Mr. Wesley has been helping to change my mind about men (or at least one of them). ;-)

Megan said...

Yeah, Maria... you're probably right. I mean, I know a couple guys now who have integrity, I'm just paranoid. I don't want to overgeneralize, but I also don't want to get burned.