Friday, July 30, 2004


Last night, I went to Fiddler on the Roof with Polk and my fam. It was showing at Lincoln Amphitheater in Lincoln State Park, alternating with my childhood favorite, Young Abe Lincoln.

The performance was beyond phenomenal. Tevye was absolute genius and totally stole the show. The dancing was terrific and the music gave me chills. Damn, I love that musical!

I think the caliber of Lincoln's performances are on par with some of the greatest theaters internationally. I've seen a lot of shows in several venues across the country and I'm hard pressed to find any greater than Lincoln. It's crazy that such theatrical excellence exists in the middle of the woods in southern Indiana. I love it.

"Playing with matches a girl can get burned."


Cliff said...

So good you have to cuss about it, huh? ;^D

Megan said...

Yes. :)