Monday, August 02, 2004

The Double Switch

I just got back from the movie premiere for the Morales film The Double Switch. I had a supporting role as a CIA director-type. Blake and Zach did a really decent job putting it all together. I wondered how it would work out.

My colleague, Drew Fendrich, and I won the award for "Best On-Screen Pair," which was pretty sweet. Tyler showed up in his zoot suit, which rocked, and Ben looked like he'd just woke up.

Earlier today, I looked up the books I'd need for next semester and quickly wished I hadn't. Hopefully, I'll find some discounts, but it looks like my profs chose a lot of new editions. Why are they always doing that??? I just received a check in the mail from my D.C. housing deposit, but it looks like the extra cash won't make it past Physiological Psych. I hate textbooks.

Anyway, good times tonight. Thanks go to Blake for all his hard work putting the party together.

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