Saturday, August 28, 2004

What's in a name?

Perhaps my favorite part of Taylor's campus, the Jumping Bean, changed its name to Vecinos over the summer. Even though I wasn't crazy about the name "Jumping Bean," I felt this sinking sensation in the pit of my stomach when I read the flier announcing the change.

Why should I care? They're still serving Alliance World Coffees and they're run by the same people. They just have a more hip look and name.

Maybe I don't like it because the Vecinos brand doesn't belong to Taylor. Vecinos is a coffee house in Indianapolis which houses an extension of my church, Muncie Alliance. It's weird to have the same place here. It's like a franchise.

I like the name Vecinos, though. It means "neighbor" in Spanish which is a million times cooler than The Jumping Bean. I guess I can dig it, as long as my card still works. It's completely stamped up, which means I can get whatever drink I want for free. If it doesn't work out, you can count on a very angry post in the near future.

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