Thursday, August 12, 2004

Rice, noodles and General's Chicken

Today I had my first Chinese meal since China. Well, it was at Gracie's, so I'm not sure if it counts, but it was delicious and I ate it with chopsticks. The first plate was fabulous, but I had to stop pretty soon into my second plate when I started getting full. Also, when I got up to get some more General's Chicken, an odd Chinese waiter approached me and started talking about the back of my shirt (It was from CATS the musical). Slightly weirded out, I promptly returned to the table.

I ate with my three INSANE cousins and my grandparents. We kept the kids (Sam and Michaela are 5, Sarah is 8) for the rest of the afternoon. Sam bonked his nose, scraped is knee and threw up in the driveway. By 5 p.m., I was definitely ready for them to go to their other grandparents' house.

I also saw Ben and Lauren at Gracie's. They went to North this morning to see old teachers. Sounds sick to me, but whatever. Anyway, they saw Doss and said he's doing much better which is fabulous. His health deteriorated my senior year at North and I heard he took a year off after I graduated. Although I learned nothing in his class, I really enjoyed him as a person.

My fortune cookie said something about me getting a promotion at my firm. Since I don't belong to a firm, I'm not sure how I'd get a promotion. I couldn't even logically affix "in bed" to the end of it. Crappy fortune.

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